
E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly newsletter (fbc@home) along with other information

Update on Barb - Barb is feeling much better today. She did have to stay an extra day in the hospital. The nausea and dizziness seem to be gone. The meds she is taking are helping with the pain. She will be discharged today. LA says thank you for all your prayers and praise to God for her progress. Continue to pray for Barb as she begins her slow recovery.

A Life Group for young adults will be starting this coming Sunday evening. Information about this program is included below. The time will be announced.

Overview of Bible Study

In this revised edition of The Life-Changing Power of Prayer (formerly titled The Doctrine of Prayer), T.W. Hunt shares from years of study and his own personal walk to help group members grasp a biblical understanding of prayer and develop a more meaningful prayer life. Topics include: Prayer that Transforms; Overcoming Hindrances to Effective Prayer; and Our Example and Our Helper in Prayer. Participants will also learn how to enjoy intimacy with the Most High God, grow in the likeness of His Son, discover the purposes and plans for which we were created, and receive the blessings only an intimate relationship with God can bring. (6 sessions).


E-mail from Linda w/ Prayer Requests

Hi All

As usual, your fbc@home is attached. 

I am adding updates on our prayer lists, also some needs and thank you's.

Barb Jennings will be traveling to Iowa City on Monday, the 15th, for surgery on her arm. She will remain in the hospital overnight, hopefully traveling home on Tuesday. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, that this surgery will be successful and for Barb as she goes through it all.

Mark Kamm is recovering at home from his surgery and all is going well.

Anil Katuri will be going to Iowa City for follow up with the doctors on his eye surgery, October 16. Things appear to be going well.

Kathy Loman's brother has started his cancer treatment.

And here is a big praise to the Lord. The lift in the church is all finished, has been inspected and is ready to start lifting. A special thank you to Ron who has spearheaded this project and seen in through to the finish line. Thank you Ron.

And also a thank you to everyone who has helped give the church a face lift, both inside and out.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. Please note all the upcoming dates. 

The Judson House (parsonage) is closed through October 7.  We will have visitors residing there and will also be holding some meetings there.

Also attached is the monthly newsletter from NightLight.

See you Sunday.

E-mails from Linda/Prayer request & Update

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. I hope you all are enjoying the last of our summer weather. As always, I hope to see you Sunday.

Please pray for Barb Jennings. Barb will be having surgery and more on her broken arm. She will be in Iowa City for two days beginning Monday morning. (September 30th) Thank you.


Hi All

An update on Barb Jennings. The surgery Barb was to have this Monday has been cancelled. Barb has to have further tests before the surgery can take place. Please continue to pray for her. Thank you.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. Please check out upcoming dates.

Chaplain Matt will be bringing us the message on Sunday. The title is "Mourn with those who mourn." taken from Romans 12: 9-21.

Please pray for Barb Jennings - Barb is traveling to Iowa City tomorrow to see a specialist about her arm. It is not healing and she is hoping there may be other options she can try.

Attention: From Peggy

The play American Son has been postponed until spring.  One of The Actresses, is sick and she needs surgery.  Hope to see everyone in the spring.  


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. Other news is included below.

Anil Katuri's eye surgery went very well. Anil is home now resting and recovering from the surgery. Please continue to pray that his eye heals well. Pray also for Martha as she is caretaking.

Thea Dement has had laparoscopic surgery. Her surgery also went very well and Thea is home now resting. It is expected that her recovery will take 6 - 8 weeks. Please continue to pray for Thea's recovery and for Bob as he helps Thea with her recovery. 

Continue to prayer for Cathy Loman's brother, soon to begin cancer treatment.

Tom Stovall 

Community Friends,

Saturday, September 28, is Good Neighbor Day!  To show we are good neighbors, a group of community partners will be conducting a drive-thru and walk-up food pantry that day in the parking lot at the corner of 17th and Main Streets in downtown Dubuque.  The sponsoring partners are First Presbyterian Church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Downtown Neighborhood Association and St. Stephens Branch of River Bend Foodbank. The goal is to address hunger and food insecurity in our community.  Food will be given out free of charge to those who need it.  There are no requirements for participation.  We plan to serve around 200 families at the event. 

We expect to get many requests from individuals and community groups that would like to assist with this project.  Our volunteers will  begin working at 8:00 AM that morning and we expect to finish around 10:30 AM.    It is important that we know a week in advance (by September 21) what individuals or groups are coming and how many people are volunteering so that we can send instructions and prepare for them.  We can provide jobs for everyone regardless of abilities, from greeting people to heavy lifting! If you have questions please feel free to contact me.  My contact information is listed below.  Many thanks for your help in serving the unmet needs in our community.  Let's show we are Good Neighbors!

Tom Stovall

Westminster Presbyterian Church



E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Happy September to you!

Attached is your FBC@Home, also a newsletter from NightLight and prayer requests.

Prayers are needed for Anil Katuri. He will be having eye surgery on September 9.

Cathy Loman's brother has stage 4 lung cancer and it has spread to other parts of his body and so he's going to start radiation and and immune therapy on September 17th.

Thea Dement will be having surgery on September 10th.

Prayer for each of these individuals, for their families and for the doctor's attending them.

Thank you. Linda

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
It's that time again for your weekly fbc@home and also some prayer updates.

Praise: Martha's niece, Anika, is doing better. She is responding and is out of the hospital.  She will be going back for tests in the next few days.  Thank you for your prayers.

Prayers still needed: Cathy Loman's brother Ronald - still awaiting test results
                                   Thea's surgery on September 10.

I hope you all have a good Labor Day weekend and that we will see you soon.   

Grace and peace 

E-mail from Linda

Hi Friends

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. I hope you are all doing well. I am adding an update from Cathy about her brother Ronald. 

"My brother got to go home late yesterday afternoon until they get the results back. Then the doctor's going to call and make an appointment so they can discuss further treatment. The doctor told him he's almost sure the mass is cancer. They just don't know what kind of cancer it is until test results are back."

Please continue to pray for him and his family.

Prayer Request from Cathy

Hi All

Cathy Lomen has requested that we pray for her brother Ronald and his family. He was admitted to the hospital last night with chest pains. A MRI was ordered for this morning. It showed a collapsed left lung and a big mass behind his heart so he has been transferred to U of I for further assessment. Please pray for Ronald and his family. Thanks.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
It's that time of the week again for your weekly FBC@home. I have also attached the August newsletter from NightLight. NightLight is one of the missions supported by FBC. 
Have a nice rest of the week and we'll see you on Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Here again, is your weekly FBC@Home. I hope everyone is doing ok. Let us know if you have needs or praises.
See you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Attached is your weekly FBC@Home.
 Please note the write up about the church needing a financial secretary. If you have skills (a gift) in this area, please let Ernest Jackson know. Thanks. 
I hope to see many of you Sunday. Have a good weekend.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. I hope your summer is going well. Let us know if you have any needs or prayer requests. Your church family will try to help. I hope to see many of you on Sunday. Chaplain Matt will be sharing a message.

Prayer request

Hi Again Prayers are requested for LA Jennings. He has been experiencing some heart issues and tomorrow afternoon he will be checked to see what is going on. Please pray for him and for wisdom for his doctors. Also continue to remember healing for Barb. Thanks.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Another beautiful summer day. I hope you are having a chance to enjoy it.
Attached is your weekly newsletter and an update from NightLight.         

E-mail from Linda

Hi All,
Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. I hope you are enjoying these nice summer days.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. I am also including a notice from the Shellabargers.

Rev Dr Loren Shellabarger is teaching an Introduction to the New Testament continuing education course at the University of Dubuque this August 5-9. This course is a survey and introduction to the content, message, interpretation, and background of the New Testament. August 5-9, M-F, 8-11am. You are invited to join other students in this exploration of the New Testament. For more information, contact UD.

I hope many of you will be able to attend this Sunday's service when Christine Quintana will be sharing a message.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All,

Here again is your weekly FBC@home. Hope you are able to enjoy this nice summer day.

Barb Jennings is thankful for our prayers and would like continued prayer. The breaks she has are very complex to treat and will take considerable time to heal so continue to pray for her and for LA as well.

Dr Scott McCaw will bring us a message on Sunday. Hope to see you there.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Time to send out the weekly FBC@Home, along with a prayer request. Claudette Bees is in the hospital. Claudette has been diagnosed with pneumonia. She also has atrial fibrillation (a past diagnosis) so they are going to do some cardiac testing to make sure everything else is ok. Please pray for her.

I don't have a recent update on Barb Jennings but continue to pray for her and LA. Their son is here at the present time helping out.

Don't forget the Westminster Presbyterian Church food giveaway being held this Saturday, June 22. If you are able to help, please be at Westminster around 8:30 AM.

Call from Vera Louise

Vera Louise called to let us know that John is home from rehabilitation now. She thanks everyone for their prayers!

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here is your weekly FBC@Home newsletter.

Saturday FBC will be at the Juneteenth celebration in Jackson Pk from noon until 4:00 pm. FBC will have a booth. Stop by and see us.

E-mails from Linda

Hi All,

Attached is your FBC @ Home. Please note the following.

Sunday, June 9th St. Luke's Methodist Church has invited FBC to join them for their Sunday Service. FBC has accepted their invitation. The service will begin at 10 a.m. and will be held at St. Luke's Methodist Church, 1199 Main St., Dubuque. Rev. Tim Bees will be delivering the message. There will be service at FBC on June 9th. St. Luke's United Methodist Church service will also be livestreamed at 


The Juneteenth celebration will be held a week from Saturday at Jackson Park. At the present time we have only one volunteer signed up to help FBC at this event. If you are able to commit to an hour of time, please let me know. The schedule is as follows: 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, 1-2 p.m., 2-3 p.m., 3-4 p.m. Pick any of these one hour increments to oversee our FBC booth. After 4 p.m. will be take down and return FBC items to the church.




Juneteenth Celebration


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here is your weekly FBC@Home. Hope you all have enjoyed this beautiful day. See you Sunday.

Prayer requests

Please pray for Bob Happ who is experiencing some health issues.


Vera Louise Tippe has requested prayer for John. John is at the ER with medical issues he has been experiencing. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and that John will have answers for and healing of his issues. Thank you.


Hi All
Just letting you know John Tippe is better but will be going to skilled nursing at Harmony for some physical therapy to build up his strength. The address for Harmony is 901 W 3rd St, Dubuque, IA 52001.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Here it is, your weekly FBC@Home. Hope you all have a good Memorial Day weekend. Please remember all our servicemen and women who have given their lives that we may be free.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Attached is your weekly newsletter.

Don't forget :
Saturday is Spring Clean Up at FBC beginning at 9 am. Refreshments will be available. The Judson House will be occupied by Ann.
Sunday is Pentecost Sunday - Wear red to recognize this day.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Here is your weekly FBC@Home along with a spring poem.
Hope you all are doing well. Let us know if you need prayer or help in other ways. Hope to see you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All
Even though most of us like sunny warm days, the rains we've been getting are helping things grow. Early spring flowers are blooming. Lilac, crab apple and other flowering trees are here to enjoy and admire. So I am thankful for spring rains that help flowers and trees bloom.
This week at FBC, we will again be watching the livestreaming service from Davenport FBC. Pastor Rob White will be bringing the message. I hope to see you Sunday at FBC Dubuque.

Prayer Request

Terry Lewis asked the church to pray for his mother, Maggie Lewis.  Maggie was not feeling well today, and she is scheduled to have shoulder surgery on May 1st.

Please keep Maggie and Terry in prayers!


E-mails from Linda

Hi All
Attached is your weekly FBC@home. I hope you are doing well.
If you have prayer requests or praises, please let us know.

Hi Again
Last week I sent an attachment that was an update on Brian Burch. Today I am including an additional attachment about Brian that goes with the final one. Thanks.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is the weekly FBC@home and also the newsletter for the NightLight ministry. I hope you will take time to read it and check out their website. It's a very needed ministry and is supported by FBC.

Prayer Request

Hi All

FBC has just learned that Tim Slemmons, who was scheduled to preach Sunday, the 21st, at FBC has had a family member pass away. Please pray for him and his family.

A back up person will be scheduled for Sunday. Thank you.

E-mail from Linda

Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing well. Attached is your weekly FBC@Home.

E-mail from Linda

Hi Everyone,

I hope your week is going well. I think we are all waiting for Spring weather to arrive. Maybe it's on the way.

Please note that our service this week will be livestreamed from First Baptist Church, Davenport.

Commuity Good Friday Service

FBC @ Home E-mail from Linda

Hi Everyone

I hope your week has gone well and you are remembering and celebrating Holy Week.

I am including an update on a prayer request from the Kamms and your weekly FBC@home.

Happy Easter to each of you. Linda

I wanted to let you all know how much we appreciate your prayers for Steve, Mark's brother-in-law. We have a number of positive changes to report this evening. The clot in the carotid artery was successfully removed. Results are back from the MRI showing there are two more clots in the brain. The doctor's are not as worried about the remaining two clots at this time because of their location. Steve is getting some motion back in his extremities and is actually able to get himself out of the bed and to the bathroom. He is unable to speak, which is extremely frustrating for him. Strangely enough he was able to sing Happy Birthday to the speech therapist. Apparently the inability to speak while still having the ability to sing is quite common with the type of stroke that Steve had. Steve is able to communicate "yes" or "no" with his head when asked a yes/no question. The family is quite thrilled at the progress that has been made in the past several days. We all understand that Steve will be in the hospital or a rehab facility, for awhile. Still, he is alive and making progress, thank God!.


Thank you so much for your prayers to our Father for healing on Steve's behalf. He is not totally out of the woods but we are in awe of the progress seen in a short period of time. God is good, all of the time.


Candi & Mark .

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Remember that old saying If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb. I think the opposite is true this year. In like a lamb, out like a lion. We'll see what this week brings.

Please remember in prayer the following: Christine Quintana - She is facing 2 more chemotherapy treatments.

LA Jennings who is having cataract surgery today - pray things go smoothly

Kay Guzzle, knee surgery, March 26

Also note in FBC@home the Easter Sunday sunrise service at the Riverview Center, 6:30 a.m. 

There will be no Sunday School Easter Sunday.

Happy Easter!

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

I hope all of you are doing ok. Remember you can list prayer requests on our website and if you want them to be confidential, you can say that. The website is

I am attaching the latest FBC@home. I hope you will check it out.

God's blessings to each of you.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@Home for the coming week.

Don't forget to turn again your clocks. Daylight savings time begins this weekend.

Please Remember:

A memorial celebration will be held for Hank Goldstein, March 9th, 11 a.m. at FBC. Please bring your personal memories to share.

Lunch will be provided following the service.

Thanks again to each of you who sent cards, texts, phone calls and prayers during Hank’s final illness. They provided much comfort, support and love to me during this very sad time in my life.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

I hope you are getting used to this up and down weather . We either freeze or enjoy the warmth.

This Sunday, Hector Quintana will be bringing us a message from Isaiah 53: 4-6, " Pointing to Jesus." It will be good information from the Old Testament. We hope you will be able to attend.

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. Please take note of the upcoming activities.

E-mail from Christine

Hello Church,

Hope you are doing well today, friends. This will be a great week for First Baptist! This Sunday Rev. Timothy Slemmons will be bringing the message "The God of Faithfulness". What a reassuring message of hope that many of our congregation needs right now. It will also be our Annual Walk Through Black History event. There are two showings. The 3 p.m. showing is now full so be sure to check in Sunday morning with Peggy about the 6 p.m. showing if you haven't already. Volunteers are still welcome. Sign-up sheets are available in the foyer. This is one of our greatest community outreach events so please help if you are available.

I did speak with Linda today regarding Hank's funeral.

There will be a visitation on February 27th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Egelhof, Siegert, & Casper Funeral Home in Dubuque. There will be a Jewish based funeral to follow; then a short service graveside. A repast meal will be provided at 3 p.m. More information will be posted in the TH.

On March 9th, we will hold a FBC Celebration of Life Service at 11 a.m. A repast of heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served in the church basement following the memorial.

Please continue to remember Linda and her family in your prayers.

Blessings for a beautiful day.


Sad News from Ernest

FBC Community,

There is sad news to share with you. Hank Goldstein passed away this morning in Florida. Linda is heartbroken. She is working on plans to return him to Dubuque. Funeral arrangements will be announced as details are worked out. We know there is great love for both Hank and Linda at FBC. Please continue to pray for Hank and Linda's family.



E-mail from Christine, FBC @ Home

Hello Friends,

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunny weather. This week, Jim Ott will be continuing with the Love Series with his sermon "Self-Love". I have attached this week's FBC @ Home.

A few reminders:

-Don't forget to reserve your tickets for the Black History Month play.

-If you are able to volunteer for the play this year please contact Peggy Jackson.

-The new Life Group will be starting on March 10th at 6 p.m. We will be continuing with the Community Bible Experience "The Prophets". The schedule will be posted online and hard copies are available on the greeting table.

Please keep lifting up Hank, Linda and their family in prayer.

Love & Blessings to you all.


Prayers for Hank

Linda received some sad news about Hank today. She said these are his ending days. He is unable to be moved home right now. Palliative Care is recommended. He could pass at any time. Linda said she is devastated. Linda asked the FBC church family "not' to call her at this time. Just don't want to talk right now. Please pray for Hank, Linda, and family.



E-mail from Christine

Hello Friends,

Hope this e-mail finds you well. I have attached the FBC @ Home for this week. Here are some prayer requests to remember:

-Hank is still in the hospital. Please pray for him and Linda as she tries to navigate all of this while being far from home.

-Please continue to pray for Cathy's friend, Jean who just finished up her chemotherapy and is battling cancer.

-I hope to start chemotherapy tomorrow. I received results from my PET scan which showed a small nodule on my lung. They will do another scan in 6 months to see if it grows. If so, it could be more cancer that's spread.



Prayers Needed from Ernest

Candi received a message from Linda. Hank was taken to the hospital. Linda thought it was symptoms of a stroke. Doctors believe he has the flu. His temperature was 103 degrees. 

Please add Hank Goldstein to your prayers!


Update 2/4: Hank is now in ICU.


FBC @ Home E-mail

Hello FBC,

Hope this email finds you doing well. I am attaching the FBC @ Home for the upcoming week. Please note that there will be no Potluck this Sunday but there will still be our traditional time of goodies and fellowship. Lord's Supper will be held this week. Have a beautiful day!

Blessings to you all,



Prayer request- Christine


Christine Quintana has requested your continued prayers.

Here’s an update from Christine;

I went to my chemotherapy appointment this morning but was unable to have it today. My calcium levels in the bloodwork were still high. My oncologist did not feel comfortable proceeding with the current treatment plan. I have to have a CT scan and a bone scan to rule out cancer in other areas of my body. So, the treatment plan may change.



E-mail from Christine

Hello Friends,

Hope this finds you well. At least the ice is melting away today! I am attaching the FBC @ Home for the upcoming week.

Don't forget that there is a Food Giveaway at Holy Lutheran Church at 9 a.m. this coming Saturday. Volunteers are needed from FBC. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, you can contact Glenn Lichti at 563-845-8832.

Please remember me in your prayers tomorrow as I have my first chemotherapy appointment in the morning.

Blessings for your week ahead!


E-mails from Christine

Hello Friends,

Hope this e-mail finds you well. Although it is still such a chilly day we can be thankful for the beautiful sunshine! I have attached the FBC @ home as I am filling in for Linda this week. 

Godly Play is this Friday evening. If the weather gets too bad, I will contact everyone via phone and/or e-mail. 

Stay safe and warm! Hope to see you on Sunday!




Hello everyone,

I forgot to put the Ladies Luncheon in the FBC @ Home. Here's the info.

The Ladies will meet for Lunch on January 31st at 1 p.m. at Olive Garden. Hope to see you there.



E-mails from Linda

Hi All

I guess winter finally arrived. I hope you are all coping with it. I won't be coping much longer as Hank and I leave for Florida on Saturday (weather permitting) Christine will be filling in for me while I am gone. Thank you Christine.

Attached is your FBC@home. I will be back again in March, Lord willing.

2024 blessings to all of you.



The food giveaway mentioned in the FBC@home is at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, not First Baptist Church. Contact Glenn Lichti 563-845-8832 if you would like to help on January 27th with this food giveaway at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here is your weekly FBC@Home. Please note there is no potluck this Sunday

The memorial service for Andrew Christiansen will be held Saturday, January 6 at 2:00 PM. at FBC.

Prayers Needed

Martha Katuri has requested prayers are needed for her husband Anie.

Anie was rushed to the ER at Mercy early this morning. He is now in the ICU unit after having possibly several heart attacks and he also has covid. Please pray for Anie and Martha as they deal with this medical crisis. Martha also has covid.


Hi All

Just wanted to let you know that Anil Katar has arrived home. Please continue to pray for his recovery.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@Home. Please note:

There will be a December 24 worship service but no Sunday school.

On Christmas Eve there will be a Candlelight service beginning at 6:30 p.m.

We will be having a memorial service at FBC for Andrew Christiansen on January 6 at 2:00 p.m. We are requesting that if you have stories, pictures of or other things to share about Andrew, please send them to the church email or to Jim Ott or myself. It would be nice to put together a power point that included pictures that we could then share with the family. Thanks.

Please let me know if you will be attending this event.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@ home and other information.

Godly play for December 15 has been canceled.

We will be having a memorial service at FBC for Andrew Christiansen on January 6. We are requesting that if you have stories, pictures of or other things to share about Andrew, please send them to the church email or to Jim Ott or myself. It would be nice to put together a power point that included pictures that we could then share with the family. Thanks.

Please let me know if you will be attending this event.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here is your weekly FBC@Home. I hope all of you are enjoying this bright, sunny day. I am.

Ps. 118: 24 " This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."


Please remember:

We will be having a memorial service at FBC for Andrew Christiansen on January 6. We are requesting that if you have stories, pictures of or other things to share about Andrew, please send them to the church email or to Jim Ott or myself. It would be nice to put together a power point that included pictures that we could then share with the family. Thanks.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

December begins tomorrow and Sunday, December 3 will be the beginning of Advent. Advent is a four-week season in the Church calendar dedicated to anticipating the arrival, or "advent," of Jesus of Nazareth, the long-awaited Messiah and King. Christians from many backgrounds celebrate this time with reflections on hope, peace, love, and joy.


Kathryn A. (Robinson) Oleson, 73, of Dubuque, IA, formerly of East Dubuque, IL, passed away on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at Luther Manor in Dubuque.

Family and friends may call from 9 A/M -10:45 A/M, on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at the Miller Funeral Home in East Dubuque, where Funeral Services will be held at 11 A/M. Private family burial will follow at the East Dubuque Cemetery.

We will be having a memorial service at FBC for Andrew Christiansen on January 6. We are requesting that if you have stories, pictures of or other things to share about Andrew, please send them to the church email or to Jim Ott or myself. It would be nice to put together a power point that included pictures that we could then share with the family. Thanks.

You FBC@home is attached.

As always, I will hope to see many of you Sunday. Remember we will be having our first of the month potluck.



E-mail from Linda

Hi All,

Again I have sad news on this Thanksgiving day. Kathryn Oleson passed peacefully away Wednesday evening. Even though we only knew her for a short time, we will remember her happy face and her joy at being in the house of the Lord. Please pray for her family.

As most of you know, we will be having a memorial service at FBC for Andrew Christiansen, probably sometime in the New Year. We are requesting that if you have stories, pictures of or other things to share about Andrew, please send them to the church email or to Jim Ott or myself. It would be nice to put together a power point that included pictures that we could then share with the family. Thanks.

Hope all of you are having a thankful day. I am thankful for God's love and His many blessings to me.

Tonight's event!

E-mails from Linda

Hi All

Prayers are needed for Kathryn Oleson. Kathryn is a fairly new attendee in our FBC community. She resides at Luther Manor and uses a wheelchair to get around. Kathryn has been facing several medical issues and recently has taken several falls. Please pray for Kathryn's physical and mental health and that she will remember that God loves her.


Hi All

It has been a great week for Operation Christmas Child Collections. I don' have a total count yet but it is looking good. Thank you to all who contributed and helped with this project.

Attached is your FBC@home. I am including the address for Kathryn.

Please continue to pray for Kathryn. It is also ok to visit or send cards. Please contact me for address.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All,

Once again, your fbc@home is attached. Remember next week is collection week for OCC. A few volunteers are still needed. Please let us know if you can help.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Your FBC@Home is attached.

Please continue to pray for the Andrew Christiansen family and Robert Hunter and family. Both families are grieving for family members who have passed.

There will be no potluck this Sunday, November 5th.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home and a prayer request. Hope you all are doing well and that we might see you this week at First Baptist Church.

Kathryn (Oleson) experienced an emergency room visit due to an accident at Luther Manor Hillcrest where she is a resident. She is back at home and resting but has physical pain and emotional frustration and asked for prayer from her church family. Kathryn is able to have visitors. You can visit her at Luther Manor anytime. If you need more information about visiting at Luther Manor, please contact Jim Ott.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. .

Don't forget the Pancake breakfast at Resurrection Church Saturday October 21, 9:00 am - 10:30. This is event is a partnership with FBC and Resurrection Church. There will be a free will offering with proceeds going to PIN. We hope to see many of you there.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All,

Well I guess our hot weather is truly gone and hopefully we will have some nice Fall days.

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home and a flyer for the pancake breakfast. The pancake breakfast is for only FBC and Resurrection Church. We are using the time for faith, fellowship and fundraising. You certainly can bring family or friends but no further advertising will be done.

Hope you are having blessed week and that we might see you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here it is, your weekly FBC@home. This week I have no additional information to send out with it. Be sure to check all dates for upcoming activities. See you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Your FBC@home is attached along with a list of needs for Operation Christmas Child. Also I have included other opportunities you might be interested in.

I am putting the finishing touches to the 2023 church directory. Please let me know if you need to make changes to your listing or would like a new picture. Thanks.

Remember Sunday is Potluck Sunday, all are welcome.



I have a rather bold request. For the past year and a half, I have been working to support a family from Afghanistan who had to leave their country when the government fell two years ago in August. Basir was working with the American military as a driver and medic, so he and his wife and 8 kids had to leave their home. They have settled comfortably and are making the transition as well as could be expected. Basir is working at a local manufacturing business. However, this week, Basir's car was "condemned" by the mechanic that he is working with. Is there anyone out there or is there someone you know who might be interested in donating a car for this family? By donating, I don't mean actually giving it to the family but making it available at a drastically reduced price - perhaps in the $2000 dollar range. Basir would prefer a small or midsize sedan that can easily seat five, that gets fairly decent gas mileage, and that has at least the potential to last for a few years!

If you have any thoughts, questions, options or offers, please contact me directly at 563 495 2924 or at

Thank you,

Jim Ott



My name is Rachel, and I am working alongside Rend Collective for their upcoming show in Dubuque, IA on October 5th. We are so excited! We are looking for some people that would be interested in attending the event and serving. Volunteers get FREE admission to the show and will receive validation of community service hours if needed. It's an excellent opportunity for small groups, clubs, and student organizations to serve in the community! If anyone is interested in volunteering, they can contact me via email at or text at (615)348-7046 with their name, number, email, and zip code to get registered!

Time: Thursday, October 5th · 5pm CST

Location: Five Flags Center, 405 Main Street Dubuque, IA 52001

Task: World Vision Volunteer

Age Requirement: 18+ (14 -17 with an adult)

*Volunteers will be able to enjoy most of the concert


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home and also a list of needs for the Operation Christmas Child boxes.

Hope you all are enjoying this last summer day. Tomorrow is the first day of Fall.

See you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here is your weekly FBC@home. Please be sure to check all dates for upcoming events.

Also included is news from Bangkok. This month we are collecting for One World Missions. NightlLight ministries is under their support banner. Please give if you are able. Thanks.


Changing Seasons


September is a month of transition. In times of transition, we often must let go of something to hold onto something new. Sometimes, the changes are minor or familiar; sometimes, they feel drastic, unfamiliar, and overwhelming.

When trafficked women stay in our shelter, they are in a challenging and unfamiliar transition. There are women from five countries waiting to either go home or transition into a new phase of their freedom journey. Traveling to another country can be an adventure, but for these women, it was a nightmare. Three do not speak English or Thai and everything around them is foreign. The women will need to let go of some of the dreams they expected to be fulfilled here and prepare to accept something new. God has brought them to us to walk with them through this transition. His mercy, love, and faithfulness are a shelter in this season of change.


  • Praise God for His steadfast love through all the seasons of change the survivors are enduring.
  • We thank God for the visit of a NightLight board member, COO, and three staff from NightLight Missouri this past week.
  • Praise God for the volunteers who helped translate for the international women who do not speak English.
  • Praise God for the new Thai staff member hired this month to work at our shelter program.
  • Praise God for our shelter staff who provide activities with translation into four languages.
  • Praise God for the Central Asian and African women who returned home safely.
  • Praise God for the 36 individuals who came to our recent medical clinic and were able to ask sensitive questions of the Christian doctor. We thank God for Doctor Lily who gives of her time and expertise in love.
  • Praise God for the continued increase of new women coming into the salon. This month we saw up to 20 women coming per salon day.
  • Praise God for the three NightLight alumni who referred four women to us for assistance over the past month.
  • Praise God for the two new Thai employees starting this month.
  • We continue to praise God for ongoing wholesale orders to keep the women employed and working with dignity.
  • Gomer-Sozo has been coming to work for two weeks now.


  • Pray for the women in our shelter. Language is a continued barrier and the staff are having to use translation apps as a main method of communication. Pray for the staff who work with several cultures, languages, and faith backgrounds.
  • Pray for the two Uzbek victims of trafficking as they will have their court date scheduled within this month so they can return home quickly.
  • Pray for another Tanzanian VOT as she awaits her court date and hopes to return home quickly before her visa expires.
  • Pray for continued partnerships to assist the trafficked women under NightLight's care and expand our capacity to help more victims who need assistance.
  • Pray for the two new Thai employees as they adjust to the work schedule and learn vocational skills in the jewelry room.
  • There are many international women back on the streets. Pray for God to work in their situations for a breakthrough.
  • Pray for strength and wisdom for our staff to address every situation they face.
  • Pray for additional mature staff and volufor outreachoth the outreach and anti-trafficking departments.
  • Pray for truth and justice in an ongoing court case.

As we transition into a new season we are grateful for your prayers that empower and encourage us through the changes. We recognize that you face unique challenges with a new season as well. Thank you for partnering with us through prayer to assist women here in Bangkok, Thailand.

"Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

The NightLight Bangkok Team

Worship Night this Friday!


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@home plus 2 other important upcoming events.

Hope to see you soon.

Upcoming Message Series – Please Invite Someone

Beginning next week, September 10, Jim, Loren and Seth will begin a new message series on Sunday mornings, which will continue through October 22nd titled “Transitions.” This is a topic that is relevant to all people, even those who don’t currently have a faith in Jesus. We are all going through transitions of various kinds and navigating them well ultimately leads to more freedom and less frustration. Consider inviting friends and family to be a part of the series. There is plenty of information out there from Barna and others that there is a spiritual hunger in our culture right now and many people say they would attend a church service if someone invited them. Maybe you know someone who is just waiting for an invitation!

Here is a quick intro to the series.


Theme Verse – 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (ESV)

God is always the same (e.g., James 1:17, Hebrews 1:10-12 quoting Psalm 102, Hebrews 13:8). Nothing else is! Transitions from this to that, from here to there, from then to now, are a part of the life that we live in a fallen world trapped in time. But change is hard. We even resist it at the neurological level. We want life to stay the same – it’s just plain easier that way. But things don’t stay the same and we are confronted with transitions – some bigger than others, but all requiring us to deal with change. In this series we will look at the teachings of Jesus and the examples of people who went through dramatic transitions and apply those to transitions all of us are facing or will face. The good news is that when we manage transitions well, our life increasingly becomes characterized by hope. A group of people living lives of hope can reflect the Image of God to an anxiety filled world that searching for a truth to hold on to. Join us this Sunday, September 10th for Part 1: From Confidence to Surrender.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

AS usual, your FBC@home is attached. Please note the items under Volunteers Needed.

I am also enclosing the information we received from the Dubuque Lions Club. After doing some searching this week, I found 2 pair of old glasses that I will donate to this worthy cause. I hope you will find glasses or hearing aids to donate too.

Here is the letter.

The Dubuque Noon Lions Club has a program that collects unwanted eyeglasses, sunglasses and hearing aids. The glasses are cleaned, prescriptions are read, packaged, and then given to an individual in need. lt is only through the kindness of our eyeglass donors that we can offer the gift of sight to these individuals, We have two drop boxes for these unwanted eyeglasses and hearing aids. These boxes are as large as a mailbox and painted bright yellow with the Lion's logo' one is located at Hy-Vee Asbury just left of the pharmacy door, The second one is located at Hy-Vee on South Locust left of the food door.

Hope you all have a good back to school week, despite the heat.

See you Sunday.

Food Distribution Date

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached please find your weekly FBC@home. Please note there will be no Sunday Service at the church this week. We are joining in a Community Worship Service at the Arboretum with other churches. The particulars are included in FBC@home.

I am also including a letter FBC received from the Dubuque Lions Club for your information and a way to help others.

The Dubuque Noon Lions Club has a program that collects unwanted eyeglasses, sunglasses and hearing aids. The glasses are cleaned, prescriptions are read, packaged, and then given to an individual in need. lt is only through the kindness of our eyeglass donors that we can offer the gift of sight to these individuals, We have two drop boxes for these unwanted eyeglasses and hearing aids. These boxes are as large as a mailbox and painted bright yellow with the Lion's logo' one is located at Hy-Vee Asbury just left of the pharmacy door, The second one is located at Hy-Vee on South Locust left of the food door. The Lions and individuals in need would appreciate it if your church would announce this program within your worship service or print it in your announcement and post it on your bulletin board.

Hope you all are having a blessed late summer day and that we will see many of you Sunday at the Arboretum.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@home. Do note the Upcoming Sermon Series which includes suggestions for how to get the most out of the upcoming series.

Please keep this copy for next week as this one is for 2 weeks.

I hope you are keeping cool in this extreme heat.

As always, I hope to see many of you on Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached please find your weekly FBC@home. Please note there will be no Sunday Service at the church this week. We are joining in a Community Worship Service at the Arboretum with other churches. The particulars are included in FBC@home.

I am also including a letter FBC received from the Dubuque Lions Club for your information and a way to help others.

The Dubuque Noon Lions Club has a program that collects unwanted eyeglasses, sunglasses and hearing aids. The glasses are cleaned, prescriptions are read, packaged, and then given to an individual in need. lt is only through the kindness of our eyeglass donors that we can offer the gift of sight to these individuals, We have two drop boxes for these unwanted eyeglasses and hearing aids. These boxes are as large as a mailbox and painted bright yellow with the Lion's logo' one is located at Hy-Vee Asbury just left of the pharmacy door, The second one is located at Hy-Vee on South Locust left of the food door. The Lions and individuals in need would appreciate it if your church would announce this program within your worship service or print it in your announcement and post it on your bulletin board.

Hope you all are having a blessed late summer day and that we will see many of you Sunday at the Arboretum.


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home.

Please note the attachment about our combined Sunday Service, August 20th at the Arboretum.

Also there will be no potluck at the church on August 6th.

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather as I am. See you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home. I hope you all are doing well.

As I am sending this it is raining so hard I can hardly see across the street. The rain is a blessing since it has been dry for so long.

As always, I hope to see many of you on Sunday.



E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home. I am also adding a recent newsletter from NightLight, one of FBC's missions. Your FBC newsletter is below the NightLight newsletter.


Sad News from Pastor Tim

My mom passed today at 3:02 pm eastern time. She died peacefully. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and concerns.



E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home.

Reminder: Sunday is our potluck Sunday held the first Sunday of every month.

Hope to see lots of you there.


FYI -Poll info..

The Decline in Religion

Gallup is out with a study of the church-going habits of Americans.

The headline: not too many of us are going at all.
In 2012, about 40 percent of us attended weekly worship. Today that number is 30 percent.
Catholicism, has fallen 7 percent in just three years. Protestant sects down 4 percent.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home.

I am beginning to update our old directory. If you would like to update your information for the directory or would like to update your picture, please let me know.

Hope to see you this coming Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Here is your weekly FBC@Home.

Remember we are having a booth at the annual Juneteenth Celebration held at Jackson Park from noon to 3:00 pm, Saturday, June 17th. Join us if you can.

Also, I am including our latest newsletter from our missionaries in Bangkok. Please take time to read it.

Hope to see you Saturday at Juneteenth and Sunday at church.



June 2023




Rescue, Transition, and Repatriation


"NightLight gave light to my life! They rescued me and did everything to be helpful. I am happy and want to say thank God! This is my last day in Bangkok and at NightLight, but I will never forget them. They want us to be independent women. When I go home, I see I can use what I learned at NightLight in my country. I am going home today! I am happy! I am proud to start my coffee shop in my country!" (Tanzanian survivor)

June is a month of transition, and this month NightLight celebrates the transitions that are signs of progress and hope. Three African women return home to South Africa, Tanzania, and Congo this month. We celebrate their freedom, care for them through the transition, and pray for their reintegration.


  • Praise God that we could assist a South African woman and repatriate her. We praise God for a partner organization that received her and continues to assist her in reintegration.
  • Praise God, the Uzbek woman returned to her country safely and was received by a partner organization. We thank God she is getting the help she desperately needs.
  • Praise God that a woman from Congo was referred to us for assistance and will return home this month.
  • Praise God for the success of a Tanzanian survivor who returned home this month with a coffee maker she bought with plans to open her own coffee shop.
  • Praise God for our partner organizations that assist with therapy, aftercare, and funding for survivors of trafficking and domestic violence.
  • Praise God for the many women coming into the salon requesting prayers. One woman says God restored her mind, and now she brings others for help.
  • We continue to praise God for wholesale orders to keep the women working with dignity.


  • Pray for the two African trafficked women who escaped the scamming centers in Myanmar. Their cases will not go to court due to insufficient evidence of Thai complicity. They are given rights as trafficked survivors, so they now have difficult decisions regarding their future. One of them comes as an asylum seeker. Both come from situations of risk and persecution of some kind.
  • Pray for the Congolese woman who returns this month after escaping the scam centers. Pray she finds a good job that can support her and her parents.
  • Pray for two survivors of trafficking who are still stuck at the border. Pray they will be released so they can come and receive help.
  • Pray for the Tanzanian survivor who returned this month. Pray she will find the support she needs and be successful in her coffee shop business.
  • Pray for the woman and child who escaped domestic abuse. Her family is pressuring her to reconcile with her abuser. Pray for wisdom and courage to do what she needs for her safety and mental health.
  • There are many international women back on the streets. New ones are being brought in every week. Most are trafficked but are too afraid to open up and receive help. Pray for God to work in their situations for a breakthrough.
  • Pray for the outreach team this season to know how to best reach the women in the bars and on the streets who are working age and need alternative employment.
  • Pray for Gomer-Sozo, Sweetie, Olie, and Leon, who all relapsed into alcohol and homelessness. Pray for breakthroughs so they can start again and get the help they need to maintain sobriety. Pray they learn to walk with Jesus so they are filled with His love and desire only Him.
  • Pray for the newest believer at NightLight whose family has been hit with accidents and illnesses. Pray for God's presence to be real and for God to use these situations for the believer to share her faith and the hope she now has in Jesus.
  • Pray for truth and justice in an upcoming court case.

This month is also International Father's Day. We bless all fathers this month. We praise our heavenly Father, who loves us so well and fills us with His love to overflow into the lives of others. "Look with wonder at the depth of the Father's marvelous love that he has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children" (TPT, 2020, 1 John 3:1). It is our prayer that each person we encounter will know the love of God. It is His love that rescues them and His love that brings hope to every heart.

Thank you for praying for and with us.
May the love of the Father fill you with joy.

Annie Dieselberg
Founding CEO

No Sunday School


There will be no Discipleship Classes tomorrow. We are now on Summer Break. Sunday School will resume in September.



E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home.

Hope you all are enjoying this wonderful summer weather. Hope to see you this coming Sunday.

FBC @ Home

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@home.

If you are planning on attending the Sunday cookout, please bring a lawn chair.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Prayer Request

My cousin, Karen McNickle, has been extremely ill with a very rare and dangerous condition. She isn't out of the woods yet. Karen has been in the hospital since 5/10 and will probably go to long term rehab hopefully by the end of week in Springfield mo. She has a very rare and serious infection called Necrotizing Descending Anterior Mediatinitis. She has had 3 surgeries to clean out the infection and had a vac therapy pack that will be on for 6 to 8 weeks along with antibiotics IV through until every thing is healed. (She has more then beat the odds! Her survival rate was only at 20% at first. She is at 60%+ now.) I would ask you to keep her, her medical team, and her family in your prayers.

Thank you.


Pentecost Sunday

Hello Friends,

What a blessing to celebrate Pentecost Sunday this week! This is the week we focus on the Holy Spirit moving and working in our lives. Some faith traditions recognize this as the beginning of the Church as we know it today. So come, wear your red and join the Worldwide Church in celebrating God's love for us!

Love & Blessings,


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Along with your attached fbc@home, I am sending a beginning list of things we will need to collect for our 2023 Operation Christmas Child. If you should see any of these things on sale or other items you think would be nice for a Christmas box please pick up a few to add to our collection. Thanks.





wash cloths

bar soap

pencil sharpeners

cloth napkins


Stuffed animals and pencils are not needed. We have plenty from last year.


Update on Bob

Hi All

Just letting all of you know Bob is home and doing better. I just spoke with him and he said he is doing better and working on getting his strength back. This is good news but continue to pray that he returns to good health soon. Thanks.

E-mails from Linda

Hi All

Enclosed is your weekly fbc@home.

If you are receiving this newsletter but prefer not too, please email me back and ask that your name be removed. Thanks.

Hope you are enjoying the on again/off again spring weather. See you soon.


Hi All

Prayers are requested for Bob Happ who was admitted to Finley Hospital yesterday with pneumonia. Please pray for Bob. Thanks.

E-mail from Linda, May 11th

Hi All

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

Attached is your weekly FBC@home. ( at bottom of newsletter)

Also the May newsletter from NightLight, one of our FBC missions.

Hope to see you Sunday!





May 2023



Hope for Freedom, Healing, and Restoration


This month we celebrate Mother's Day and Pentecost. Mother's Day is a beautiful time of celebration for some; for others, it triggers painful memories or losses. The Holy Spirit's presence gives us hope for freedom, healing, and restoration. We praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit through women to raise a generation in the knowledge of Jesus, our Savior. At NightLight, we rejoice with the two mothers reunited with their sons. We pray for the mother seeking the courage to leave an abusive situation. We pray comfort and healing for the young mother who cares for her mother in recovery from cancer surgery. We pray for strength and patience for the women separated from their children. We rejoice with every prodigal returned and every heart restored. Our hope is in Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we see breakthroughs, freedom, healing, and restoration.


  • Praise God, the two African women were identified as victims of labor trafficking. Now they can receive their rights as victims.
  • Praise God, the Uzbek woman returned to her country safely and was received by a partner organization. We thank God she is getting the help she desperately needs.
  • Praise God that one of NightLight's women trafficked domestically and stateless is getting breakthroughs toward citizenship.
  • Praise God for two of our mothers who, after their baptisms, were reconciled to their sons after being cut off for at least 14 years.
  • Praise God that two homeless persons we led to Christ last year were baptized at the beach with our Song Sawang church family. We praise God to see the progress they have made by selling things and now renting a room.
  • Praise God for a new volunteer who will teach art to the survivors of trafficking and join in outreach.
  • We continue to praise God for good orders to keep the women working with dignity.


  • Pray for the two trafficked women as they begin the legal process. They have some difficult choices, and the road ahead is not easy. One of them comes as an asylum seeker. Both come from situations of risk and persecution of some kind.
  • Pray for one of the newly identified trafficked women, as she will have surgery within the next week.
  • Pray for two survivors of trafficking who are stuck at the border. Pray they will be released so they can come and receive help.
  • Pray for one of our Tanzanian survivors who will return home in June after being with us for nearly five years.
  • Pray for one of our women who is in a situation of domestic abuse and needs courage and wisdom to leave the toxic environment and relationship.
  • There are many international women back on the streets. We are beginning to have some conversations that tell us they are trafficked. Pray for God to work in their situations for a breakthrough.
  • Pray for wisdom for the outreach team this season to know how to best reach the women in the bars and on the streets who are working age and need alternative employment.
  • Pray for Gomer-Sozo and Sweetie, who are showing signs of trying again to break the cycle of alcohol addiction. Pray they learn to walk with Jesus so they are filled with His love and desire only Him.
  • Pray for the newest believer taking time off to care for her mother after surgery to remove a malignant tumor. Pray she will be able to share her faith with her family. Pray for her mother's healing.

We are so grateful for your prayers and support in this season. You are making a difference in the lives of mothers and their children. The Holy Spirit is at work in and through us to proclaim good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom for the captives (Isaiah 61). May the Spirit of God rest on you and fill you with hope this Pentecost season.

Annie Dieselberg
Founding CEO

Prayer Request

Hi All

Please pray for Amanda and family. Amanda's grandfather has passed away.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is this week's FBC@home. Please note: This Sunday is our monthly potluck. We will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Cinco de Mayo which means 5th of May in Spanish, is also more formally known as the anniversary of the battle of Puebla. It is a holiday celebrated in parts of Mexico and the U.S. in honor of a Mexican military victory in 1862 over French forces of Napoleon 3rd.


Sunday's Cinco de Mayo potluck will be held in the lower level fellowship hall. Hope to see you there.

E-mail from Linda, FBC @ home & Update on Hank

Hi All

Attached is your FBC@home for this week. Hope you are all well.

Update on Hank: He is still in need of prayer. More testing will be done next week to try to discover what, if anything, can be done about his partial loss of vision in one eye. He is very tired and hoping to recover a bit of his energy after having a small stroke. Thank you for all the prayers and do keep remembering him. Love to you all. Linda

E-mails from Ernest: Prayer requests

Vera Louise Tippe had surgery on her tongue yesterday. Biopsy results are due in 10 days. She still has to take lozenges after meals, which tends to kill taste. She said other than the stress of waiting on results she is doing fine. Please keep Vera Louise and the Tippe family in your prayers.

Rod Matthew's Mother had a minor stroke yesterday. She was kept in the hospital overnight and returned home today. said she had a major stroke a few years ago and recovered. Please keep Rod's mother and the Matthew's family in your prayers.


Matt and Amanda received some bad news a few days ago. Matt’s father has cancer that has spread throughout his body and the prognosis is not good.

Amanda said they held a gathering of friends and family at their home to spend time together before this opportunity passes them by.

Amanda has requested prayers from the FBC Community.


Hank had a stroke on Tuesday that affected 1-side of his head and face. Linda said Hank's head was still feeling funny on Wednesday and they were waiting for the doctors call and decisions on more test.

Linda asked the FBC Community to pray for both her and Hank.




E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Hope you all had a good Easter and our enjoying our brief early summer. Attached is our weekly FBC@home.

I hope to see lots of you at church this coming Sunday.


" Nails didn't hold God to a cross. Love did." Max Lucado

E-mail from Linda

Hi Everyone

He is Risen, Hallelujah! Happy Easter to all of you.

I am including the email addresses for Nightlight. If you want to keep up with what is happening there, you can request a newsletter be sent to you. This is for the newsletter -

This is for their jewelry selections -

Easter Blessings


E-mails from Linda

Hi All

I hope all of you are doing well and will be able to join with us at any or all of the following Easter services. Please make note of the dates in FBC@home for Palm Sunday Services, Maundy Thursday Services, Good Friday Services at United Methodist Church, Easter Sunrise Services at the Grand River Center and Easter Sunday Services at FBC.

Attached is your FBC@home.

Hi Again

It has been decided that because of the FBC meeting following church on Sunday and also because a light meal will be served at the Maundy Thursday Service that this Sunday's potluck will be canceled. No Sunday potluck this month. Please alert others who might not read this. Thanks.

E-mail from Linda, FBC @ Home

Hi All

I hope you are all doing well. I am waiting, not so patiently, for Spring. Hopefully it will be arriving soon.

Included today are some upcoming events and your fbc@home attachment.

112th Annual Community Worship

Good Friday

The Seven Last Words of Christ

April 7th, 2023/11:45 AM - 3:00 PM

Hosted by St. Luke's UMC

1199 Main Street, Dubuque, IA 52001

Accessible Entry via Back Alley

Online Worship at:


Worship online or in person for as long as you like.

Service is in 20-minute segments.

Led by local religious leaders and musicians.


Service is in 20-minute segments.

Led by local religious leaders and musicians.

(Pastor Tim Bees will be leading a segment)

E-mail from Linda, FBC @ Home

Hi Team

Attached is your FBC@home. I am also adding some important upcoming activities for you to make note of.

April 2 - Rescheduled Special Building Improvements Meeting following church

E-mail from Linda: FBC @ Home

Hi All

Are you all ready for our last (hopefully) big snow of the season?

Please note that we will be having a meeting right after church on Sunday to discuss church business.

Also don't forget to turn those clocks back for Daylight Savings Time!

E-mail from Ernest- Prayer Request from L.A.

Please keep my son-in-law, Geoff and daughter Elizabeth in your prayers. Geoff went out to shovel snow this morning in Minneapolis and fell on the ice and broke his leg in two places. They’re going to need surgery to fix it.
Thank you, LA

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

I am back from my Florida snow birding and would like to say a great big thank you to Christine for taking on some of my duties while I was gone. She did an excellent job. Thank you, Christine.

Attached is your weekly FBC@home.

We have several extra 2022 FBC annual reports. This report includes church leader's reports on their past yearly programs and progress. If you didn't receive one but would like to have one, please let me know and I will send one to you.

Don't forget that this Sunday is our monthly potluck. All are welcome to attend.

Hope to see you Sunday.


FBC @ Home/Back Entrance

Hello Church,

Hope you are enjoying the warmer temperatures today. What a beautiful sunrise this morning!

I have attached the FBC @ Home for the upcoming week. We will be having Communion this week. It's also Potluck Sunday, so if you can, bring a dish or two to share with everyone. We will be dining upstairs in the foyer area.

See you soon.




Hello again,

Please be aware that we are setting up the stage for the upcoming play. Please use the side or front entrance when you arrive at church if possible. If you need to use the back entrance, be careful. There are play props in the back stair area.

Thank you.


Prayer request

Wayne and Janice Lewis‘s daughter Stephanie is having brain surgery today to remove a tumor. The Lewis Family has requested prayers from the FBC Community. Please keep them in your prayers.



Ernest Jackson

Sad news

FBC Community,

Denise Matthew's mother, Arlene Brown passed away early this morning. Denise and Rod are in Marion, Iowa with her stepdad.

Prayers for Denise and family are greatly appreciated.

God's Grace!


Update on Vera Louise

Hello everyone,

I just spoke with Vera Louise. Her tongue surgery went well. She is a little sore but seems to be doing well. They did a biopsy on the growth and sent it off to Iowa City.

Please continue to lift her up in your prayers.

Take care.


Church e-mail, 1/26/23

Hello everyone,

Hope this finds you well on another chilly day.

I have an update on Rev. Johnson's daughter, Kara. Her surgery went very well and the surgeon was pleased with the results. She has been home since Friday. She has even signed up for Goldie's ten mile run on April 2nd. Pastor Johnson says that he will be running the 5K! The medical team is amazed by her progress. Pastor Johnson says "The amazing one is our Lord who answers prayers and heals." Amen.

Continued prayers are much appreciated.

Also, Pastor Tim will be preaching on February 26th for the TBA date.

I have attached the FBC @ Home.

Hope to see you on Sunday! Don't forget it's the Annual Meeting so plan to stay after church if you can.



Preaching Schedule for February

Hello Friends,

Here is the preaching schedule for February.

February 5- Rev. Loren Shellabarger

February 12- Rev. Timothy Bees

February 19- Rev. Loren Shellabarger

February 26- TBA



Sad news from Ron

FBC Community,

I have sad news to pass along today.

Please see note from Ron Brass below;

Rose’s brother, Robert (Bob) Renken, passed away early this morning, after several years of battling cancer. He and wife, Marsha, have been living in Iowa Falls, Iowa. He was 86. We were fortunate to spend time with Bob and several family members yesterday.

Prayers for Rose and family would be much appreciated.

FBC @ Home- Sunday, January 22

Hello Church,

What a little storm we had last night! But, oh what a beautiful scene this morning! Aren't you glad we know the One who calms the storm and brings the joy of the morning?

I've attached the FBC @ Home as I'm filling in for Linda while she's on vacation. This week we will be continuing The Factory Series. If you'd like to read the scripture before Sunday, it will be Galatians 5:19-23.

Hope to see you soon.



E-mail from Christine

Hello Church,

Attached is your FBC @ home for this week. We have had a prayer request from Pastor Johnson. Kara is going in for surgery on the 17th to have part of her liver removed. Please continue to hold her up in your prayers.



E-mail about Candi

Hi All

Just letting you all know that Candi Kamm's mother, Dorothy Rathbun, passed away yesterday morning. Dorothy was the wife of Rev. Bill Rathbun. Bill was one of the first pastors at the newly built FBC on Judson Dr. Please keep Candi, Mark and the family in your prayers.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Hope you are enjoying this nice winter reprieve.

Attached is your weekly newsletter.

Hope to see many of you Sunday.

Happy New Year!

Christmas Holiday Schedule

Christmas Eve Service 6 p.m.

Christmas Day Service 10 a.m.

January 1st Service 10 a.m.

There will be no Discipleship/Sunday School classes on Christmas Day and New Year's Day. There will be no Potluck on New Year's Day.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

Attached is the last FBC@Home I’ll be sending you.


Pastor Johnson

E-mail reminder from Ernest

The Westminster Food Give Away is tomorrow morning, Saturday December 17th.

FBC Volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:30 AM.

Thanks to all who are willing to volunteer!



E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful reception on Wednesday Evening.

I’ve attached next week’s FBC@Home.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, December 10th

Dear Friends,

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home.

Our main worship service for Christmas will be our Christmas Eve Service on Saturday evening. We will also have a service on Christmas Morning.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends

Happy Thanksgiving! Attached is next week’s FBC@Home.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

OCC Update

Hello everyone,

On Friday, we had several members from Great Adventure Church volunteer at collection week. And today, we were very blessed to have Coach Rick and the Swim Team members load the truck of boxes for us! Many hands make light work.

After Saturday’s collection time ended, the count for Operation Christmas Child boxes was up to 1228. This is always a special week of meeting new friends, greeting returning friends & churches, and working and praying together for the children.

Remember every box we share equals a child who comes to know that they are loved by God! So keep lifting up this special mission in your prayers at home!

Love & Blessings to You All,


E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is this week's FBC@home.

As of early Friday morning we have collected 1135 OCC boxes.

Thank you to all who have helped with this great project. The boxes leave for Manchester mid morning on Monday. Thanks again for all your help.

Hope to see you Sunday.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, November 11th

Dear Friends,

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home.

With Gratitude

Pastor Johnson

Pastor Johnson e-mail

Dear Friends,

It’s good to be back and I had a good break.

I’ve attached next week’s FBC@Home

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Linda, October 27th

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC @home.

FYI - Pastor Johnson and Geri will be returning to Dubuque Tuesday, November 1.

Hope you all are doing well and getting ready for winter. See you Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi Everyone

Your weekly fbc@home is attached.

This week our worship service schedule will be changing a bit. We have decided to try doing some things a bit differently. The church bulletin will have the new order. Let us know what you think of the changes.

Enjoy the nice weather that's coming up. Hope to see many of you on Sunday.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Hope you have had time this week to observe the beautiful fall colors.

Attached is this week's FBC@Home.

Please note: The 5:30 potluck, before our of Future Focus meeting, will be held in the church foyer. Food for the potluck will be on a table in the church library. We hope to see many of you attend.

E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. Be sure to check out the October 16th Future Focus meeting. It is an important meeting for our church and it's future direction. Hope many of you can be there. See you Sunday!

Message from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home.

This Sunday we will be having our first Sunday of the month potluck. There will be plenty of good food and desserts. Please join with us. Hope to see you Sunday.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached next week’s FBC@Home. Please invite everyone who has a connection with First Baptist to attend the meeting on the 16th of October.


Pastor Johnson

Message from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly FBC@home. Please note the Cemetery Walk in Galena this weekend. Ernest Jackson will be part of the cast.

Hope to see many of you Sunday at church.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, September 10, 2022

Dear Friends,

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home. Tomorrow I’m starting a series on How to Have Joy in Your Life.


Pastor Johnson

Celebration of Life Service for Char

A celebration of life will be held Thursday, September 8 at 1:00 pm at First Baptist Church, 2143 Judson Dr, Dubuque, IA, followed by an open house reception at the Luther Manor Communities Clubhouse at Grand Meadow Dr. and Waterview Ln, in Asbury, IA. Attendees are invited to wear a splash of aqua or teal, Char’s favorite colors.

Flower arrangements and mementos are welcome. In addition, donations in Charlotte's honor may be made to the Charlotte Happ Memorial at the following organizations close to her heart.


Quilts of Valor, c/o Cindy Billmeyer

18836 Breezy Ridge Rd.

Dubuque, IA 52002


First Baptist Church of Dubuque

2123 Judson Dr.

Dubuque, IA 52001


You may visit Charlotte Elaine DeClue-Happ  to leave a tribute, gift or message for the family. 

Sad News- E-mails from Linda

It is with great sadness that I inform you all that our sister in the Lord, Char Happ has passed on.

She is now with our Lord.

Please continue to pray for her family.


Hi Again

Just wanted to let you all know, the family of Char Happ is requesting no visitors at this time. We will keep you updated as we get word. Thanks.

Message from Linda

Hi All,

Please find attached the current fbc@home.

There will be a potluck on Sunday. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

It will be good to meet against with you tomorrow. Thank you for all your prayers. And thank you, Pastor Tim.

I’ve decided to postpone the Honest and Healing Conversations about race until the second Sunday in September.

I’ve attached next week’s FBC@Home.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Johnson


Hi All

As some of you may know, Char Happ is in the hospital. The family would like prayers for Char as she continues to face various medical issues. Thanks.

Sad News/Prayer requests from Linda

Dear FBC Family,

Pastor Johnson and Geri have just received word that their daughter Cara, who has been undergoing tests, has Stage 4 Liver cancer. Pastor and Geri are asking us all to prayer for Kara, her three children and also for pastor and Geri. Cara is 45 years old.

Thank you.

The Honest and Healing Conversations about Race will be cancelled this Sunday, August 21.

Also, I have attached an abbreviated version of FBC@home.


Hi Again,

I just received word from Ron Brass that Rose's brother Bob, who has been in cancer treatment, lost his balance and fell last night. Early diagnoses suggests a possible stroke. Please add Rose's brother Bob to your prayer list. Thanks.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, August 13th

Dear Friends.

I’ve attached next week’s FBC@Home.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

We received news that the Covid virus has hit the Quintana family again. Hector Jesus and Christine tested positive, Bella and Hector so far are negative. Please pray for that family, asking God to rid their bodies of the virus, and to give them patience through all the troubles regarding quarantine.

For safety’s sake, and because Hector was going to grill the meat for potluck, I’m asking to cancel the Pot Luck.

I’ve attached a copy of next week’s FBC@Home.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Upcoming Movie Morning


E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached a copy of next week's FBC@Home.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached a copy to next week’s FBC@Home.

I’ve included information about the Honest and Healing Conversations about Race. If you have any questions or concerns about this program, please contact me. I have asked for prayer.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

From Pastor Johnson, July 16th

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached next week’s FBC@Home. I’ve included one of Geri’s devotions from her devotional book, A Closer Walk.

See you Sunday.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached a copy of next weeks FBC@Home. I’ve also attached a larger copy of the photo that’s in it.

I’m still recovering from a bike ride I took yesterday. I went from the parsonage, to Arterial, to Heritage trail for a mile, and returned. My bike has 21 speeds, but I only would have needed two… one for going 20 miles an hour… and one for going 3.5 miles an hour. There is one hill that goes on forever.

Tomorrows message comes from the Psalm 82. It’s been called the most challenging chapter of the Bible, and it has also been called the most important chapter in the Bible. Jesus quoted from it. Please read and contemplate on that passage in preparation for worship tomorrow.

Blessings and Peace
Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, July 2, 2022

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow should be a beautiful day for worship. It will be sunny and warm. We’ll be outside celebrating Christian freedom, Baptist Freedom, and gifts of freedom we have in our country.

Bring lawn chairs if you have them.

I’ll be presenting a special children’s message and I hope you’ll find my sermon enjoyable and meaningful.

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Upcoming Summer Movie Morning


Lectionary Links

Hello everyone,

Here are the lectionary links for next Sunday:

Lectionary Reading Links for the Upcoming Week, July 3rd

2 Kings 5: 1-14, Psalm 30, Isaiah 66:10-14, Psalm 66:1-9, Galatians 6:1-6, 7-16, Luke 10:1-11, 16-20



E-mail from Linda

Hi All,

As you know Pastor Johnson is on vacation this week. I was unable to open the pages he left me for FBC@home so there is one blank page. I am sending what I do have. It has all the pertinent information. Sorry.

Hope to see you on Sunday.

Thursday E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached the FBC@Home for the coming week.

Blessings and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Movie Tomorrow

Freedom Sunday

No Potluck This Sunday and Invitation to Live Stream

Dear Friends,

I made a mistake on the FBC@Home. There will be no pot luck tomorrow.Also, I’ve been planning on doing some live streaming of my graphics work. I’m going to give it a try on Monday at 9:00 a.m. I’ll be working on another design for the prayer cards I showed on Sunday. If you’re interested in having a look at what I’m doing, you can get to my YouTube channel by the link below.

I have a hope of having a regular live stream on Monday mornings. The dream is to create a 15 second TikTok video in three hours on Monday mornings, presenting a short Bible passage with graphics and music to inspire young TikTok followers. I’m not quite ready to do the TicTok thing yet, but I want to get started. By streaming I hope to inspire church leaders to use graphics in new ways to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I don’t know why people watch streams of people playing video games, or sewing, or writing, but they do. Perhaps there will be some interested in what I do. If you have oodles of free time, and would like to see me struggle through learning how to stream, please consider tuning in on Monday morning. I’ll be overjoyed if even one person pops in. You have to start with one person.

Blessings and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, 6/10/22

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached next week’s copy of FBC@Home.

I’ve also attached a promotional poster for our outdoor worship on the Sunday before the 4th of July, calling it Freedom Sunday. This Sunday is usually a letdown Sunday, but let’s celebrate it fully. I’ll be passing out this poster to the neighbors around the church. Please, if you are able, print copies to pass out to your neighbors. Also please send a copy by email to friends and relatives.

Grace and Peace
Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve been sicker than a dog for these last few days, though I don’t know how dogs get sick. That’s because Geri and I had a covid booster shot a couple of days ago. The shot doesn’t effect Geri too much, but I really do get sick. They say it’s a sign that my immune system is working, but it sure doesn’t feel like that. But I’ll be ready for Sunday, but maybe not as perky.

Our pot luck will be after church tomorrow morning, not in the evening as is said in the @Home.

I’ve attached the FBC@Home.

Blessings and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Potluck Time Change to Indoors After Church

Our Monthly Potluck was scheduled to be held outdoors. We are changing to indoor and start time will be right after Worship Service. Burgers and hot dogs will be grilled. Bring your normal side dishes.



E-mail from Linda

Hi All

Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. In the past we have said wear red to church if you are able. This Sunday is the same. Wear red to celebrate Pentecost.

Our first of the month potluck will be held Sunday. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Bring a dish to pass. Food will be ready to eat at 5:30 pm. Come earlier if you would like to socialize. We will gather outside so please bring a chair. In case of bad weather we will still meet but inside. Thanks. Hope to see many of you Sunday.

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached our new FBC@Home.

Peace and Grace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, May 21, 2022

Dear Friends,

Yesterday morning I drove back to Dubuque from the Twin Cities. It was rainy and cloudy, and beautiful. The green of Spring has fully arrived, and the fields were amazingly black. We could just make out the green coming out an all the fields.

I’m always amazed how seeds are put in the ground, and a little later a plant comes to life. It’s astonishing that it works every year, unless the weather gets in the way. Each one of those seedlings is a minor miracle, the kind of miracle that feeds the world.

I’ve attached the FBC@Home.


Pastor Johnson

Save the Date!


E-mail from Rev. Johnson, May 13th

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached next week’s copy of the FBC@Home.

And, a reminder. Tomorrow morning is our church cleanup day. It should be a beautiful day.


Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Linda

Hi FBC family,

Happy Mother's Day.

Attached is the fbc@home for tomorrow and the coming week.

I hope to see many of you tomorrow.

Letter from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, Thursday, April 21st

Dear Friends,

It was a beautiful day today. Thank you, Lord. We’ve been praying for a day like today.

Attached is next week’s FBC@Home

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Westminster Hunger Drive- Help Needed


Hi All

In the past, many of you have helped with the free food giveaway at Westminister Church. The next food giveaway will take place at Westminster on April 23. Attached is a flyer with the pertinent information. If you are available to help, please let me know and I will answer any questions you might have. You will need to be at Westminster Church by 8:30 am.

Thank you.


Good Friday

Dear Friends,

A blessed Good Friday to you. Easter is coming! I’ve attached a copy of next week’s FBC@Home. Please remember to send the citations for the Easter Invitational video to neighbors, friends, and relatives:

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Children's Easter Event


E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. It’s a great day of celebration in the church. Next week is Holy Week, and there will be lots of activities.

I’ve attached the notes for Sunday Evening Bible Study. I’ve also attached the bulletin for Maundy Thursday, And, of course you’ll find the FBC@home.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

Message from Pastor about Easter Invitation

Dear Friends,

The invitational video for Easter Sunday services is up on YouTube, our Facebook page, and our website. Please share this video with everyone you know who has an email address.

There are three ways of sharing. You can simply forward this email to everyone you know. The second way is to copy the site address below and paste it on your own email to family, friends, and acquaintances. The third way is to click the “Share” icon that is below the YouTube video, and then follow the prompts, giving you ways of sending email and posting the video on your Facebook page, etc.

Also, when you watch this video, remember to subscribe to the channel and hit the thumbs up icon.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Easter Invitation

Hello Friends,

The Easter invitation is now on the First Baptist YouTube and ready for you to e-mail out the link. Blackbird, An Easter Invitation

Happy Inviting!


Bible Study

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached notes for tomorrow’s Bible Study. I’ll also have printouts for the class at 6:00.


Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson, April 1st

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached the FBC@Home for next week.

If you’d like to look at the Easter invitational video just click this YouTube link:

A big thanks for Emily Ott with her violin.

This coming Sunday is communion Sunday and there will also be a pot luck. If you can, please bring something to share, if you can’t, enjoy the food. There’s always enough.


Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Sunday Evening Bible Study

Dear Friends,

Here are notes for tomorrow evening’s Bible Study.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached next weeks FBC@Home. I don’t yet have my notes prepared for Sunday Evening Bible Study. I’ll send them by a later email.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

Good Friday Service Announcement


We are invited to join the 111th Annual Good Friday Service. This will be held at St. Luke's United Methodist Church. The service will be offered as both an in-person service and an online streaming event.

Schedule of Events

11:45 a.m. Prelude

Noon - Procession of the Cross with the Reproaches

12:15 p.m. First Word

12:35 p.m. Second Word

1:00 p.m. Third Word

1:25 p.m. Fourth Word

1:45 p.m. Fifth Word

2:10 p.m. Sixth Word

2:30 p.m. Seventh Word

2:50 p.m. A Time of Meditation

3:00 p.m. Tolling of the Tower Chime (33 tolls for 33 years of Jesus' earthly life)

Each "Word" includes a brief scripture reading, music solo, unison prayer, clergy reflection, hymn, and then the stripping of objects from the front of the sanctuary. This will continue until the end of the service when there is little left except the cross.

This year's service can be viewed online through St. Luke's website: An active link will be posted on Good Friday. 

This year's Good Friday service has no COVID-19 restrictions. Masks are optional. St. Luke's installed a special UV filtration system  in June 2020 which was specially designed to handle COVID-19 particles. The sanctuary holds up to 400 people (balcony inclusive), and there will be normal hymn singing at the in-person service.

Volunteers Needed


Hello everyone,

Volunteers are needed to help with the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hunger Outreach on March 26th. Please see Linda to let her know if you are available to assist.



Pastor Johnson e-mail to Church

Dear Friends,

It’s a wonderful march here in Dubuque. I’m loving no snow on the ground! It’s a great time to be in Dubuque.

I’ve attached this notes for tomorrow’s Bible Study and next week’s FBC@Home.

See you tomorrow.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached a copy of FBC@Home. I’ve also included the notes for Sunday Evening’s Bible Study. It begins at 6:00, running no more than an hour.

I’m looking forward to seeing you Sunday.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Johnson

Call to Prayer Service

Hello Friends,

In Lieu of the Lenten Bible Study tonight, we will be meeting in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. for a Call to Prayer Service. We will be reading scripture, singing songs, and praying for a peaceful resolution to the suffering in Ukraine. We will also be collecting an offering tonight and in the coming weeks to help the European Baptist Association, which is providing assistance to our Baptist Brothers and Sisters in need. If you can't make it in person, the Prayer and Scripture Guide is posted online. Please join us at home!

Hope to see you there!



Message from Pastor Johnson/Bible Study cancelled for this Sunday night

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached our weekly FBC@Home.

Also please note, after consulting with Moderator Jackson, I’ve decided to cancel Bible Study for tomorrow evening. I’m a bit overwhelmed right now, and I need to reduce this Sunday’s activities. I hope you understand.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

Here is the FBC@Home for this coming week.


Pastor Johnson

Message from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I have attached this week’s copy of FBC@Home

Grace and Peace
Pastor Johnson

Correction- Weekly Readings for Meditation

Hello Friends,

Here are the lectionary readings for this week. FBC @ Home had the ones for last week listed. Sorry for any confusion.

Jeremiah 17:5-10, Psalm 1, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Luke 6:17-26



Message from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

Here is this week’s FBC @ Home.


Pastor Johnson

E-mail from Pastor Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached a copy of this week’s FBC @ Home.

Please email me regarding anything you want added to our newsletter. Also, please feel free to suggest any improvements

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Johnson

Greetings from Rev. Johnson

Dear Friends,

I’ve attached a copy FBC @ Home. I’ve sent it as a pdf document. Please let me know if you have any trouble opening it.

You may also note that I’ve sent this to you without the whole church email list to protect everyone’s privacy.

Geri and I are loving our home here in Dubuque. Thank you, everyone. We’re especially happy right now because our oldest daughter, Kara, and her three children, Jackson, Kaitlyn, and Michael, have joined us here for the weekend.

See you Sunday,

Grace and Peace
Pastor David Johnson

Godly Play Cancellation

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that there will be no Godly Play this evening. It has been cancelled due to my continuing illness.

Thank you.



Message from Linda

Hi All

Attached is your weekly fbc@home.

Please note that the FBC Board is encouraging all church attendees to wear a mask because of the rising numbers of Covid cases.


One More Thing

Hi All

Just wanted to let you know that Rev. Johnson is anxious to meet all of you. He has ask me to call each of you to see if he might be able to visit you at home so I will be making those calls and setting up appointments.

Also, some of you might not know this but Hank and I will be taking our annual visit to Florida on Jan. 25th - Mar. 1. I have informed the board that I would like to resign from this Administrative Assistant position. At present time, it is about 4 hours a week and one of the main functions is fbc@home and the bulletin. If any of you have an interest in filling this position, please let me or Ernest know. Thanks.

From Linda- FBC @ Home

Hi All

I hope you are enjoying this little reprieve in the weather.

The weekly fbc@home is attached.

Interim Pastor Rev. Johnson would like to share his cell phone no. with you. Contact the church office if you would like the number.

Please feel free to call him at this number. He says he loves to talk.

Scripture Readings for upcoming week

Weekly Scripture Meditation [1.16.22]

The whole church is invited to do something together. Read through the lectionary readings for the upcoming week, meditate upon them and see what God might say to you and to us. The texts for Sunday, January 16th are:

Isaiah 62:1-5Psalm 36:5-10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, John 2:1-11

FBC @ Home from Linda

Hi All,

Attached is the fbc@home. If you ever have items you would like too see included in fbc@home, please let me know.

Reminder: Final preparations of Judson House, Saturday, January 8 at 10:00 am. Volunteers needed.

FBC Church is Cancelled Today - Online Worship will be Available

Church is cancelled today 2 January, 2022, due to winter weather conditions.  Loren Shellabarger is our Guest Preacher for today. Loren and Hector will record the service and post it online. Loren will send notice to this email group when the online service is ready.

Stay safe and be careful if you go out.


Moderator, FBC Dubuque

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Hi Church!

This week's sermon will take place in the New Year. There will be a new speaker, the Rev. Dr. Loren Shellabarger. He will be preaching the next two weeks until the interim minister arrives.

Here is the latest fbc@home.

I am busy cleaning out the office.

Have a great week, and a wonderful New Year!


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Message from Linda

There will be Sunday School starting next Sunday, January 2nd, 2022 at 9:00 am. Sunday School will be held each upcoming Sunday unless otherwise announced. Ernest and Ron will be leading this class. All adults are invited.

If you need an electronic copy of the student guide for adult Sunday school, please contact Hector at:

Also FYI there will be no first of the month potlucks until further notice.

Sunday, December 26, First Sunday after Christmas

Hi Church,

We are coming up to a full weekend. It all starts on Friday evening with our traditional candlelight service. We have done some things differently this year. One thing is to add Holy Communion to the mix. The service begins at 7:00 p.m. There will be refreshments and goodies after the service in the Fellowship Hall.

Then on Saturday morning [Christmas Day], we have our traditional fun worship. Emily and Seth will lead us in some familiar songs. Then we will watch a video from the olden days that proclaims Christ. We will have some goodies after this service too.

Then comes Sunday. I am going to use various Bible texts to talk about the church, not necessarily our church, but the Church in general. I am going to use three videos that will showcase what three Big Ten Schools do that replicate what all churches should be doing.

Wow, three days of stuff. Don't forget to add in your own family stuff that might be going on as well. If all that doesn't drive you to prayer, I don't know what will.

I look forward to seeing you at some or all of the upcoming events. In either event, have a holy and blessed Christmas.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday School Announcement

There will be no in-person Sunday School on December 26th due to the Christmas holiday.

Sunday, December 19, 2021, Fourth Sunday in Advent

Hi Church,

Wow, Christmas is eight days away! This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday in Advent. The New Year is just sixteen days away. Life is coming at us fast! Yet, we want it to slow down so that we can savor the season and hear what God wants us to hear. This is the constant dilemma for us as Christians in the modern world.

This Sunday our text is the Magnificat, Luke 1:39-55. Mary meets Elizabeth and John leaps with joy inside Elizabeth's tummy. Awesome stuff! Read about it before this Sunday.

This Sunday is also our last Sunday School before the New Year. The festivities begin at 9:00 a.m.

We will be introducing a new song at the candlelight service. It is called "Morning Star." Here is link to help you get familiar with the tune.

Lindsay Megill sings Morning Star

Lastly, This Saturday is a Food Distribution opportunity at Westminster. If you are going to help out, here are some pointers:

1. Arrive at 8:00 a.m.

2. Park across the street in the UD lot.

3. Dress for the weather, this is a drive-through event.

4. Masks are optional for vaccinated folk, but highly recommended.

5. You will be done no later than noon.


Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, December 12th, Third Sunday in Advent

Good Afternoon Church!

It has been a busy week here at Judson House and beginning this weekend it seems that things will get even busier. As the year winds down and Christmas approaches this is to be expected.

Our text this week is again about the ministry of John the Baptist. This is strange stuff for the Christmas Season, but then we must be reminded that we are actually in the Advent Season which is different.

The text for Sunday is Luke 3:7-18. Why not read it before Sunday?

This Saturday is "Cookies with Claudette." Claudette has been baking all week. Enjoy!

Hope to see you all this coming Sunday!


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, December 5, Second Sunday in Advent

Hi Church,

As of today we are 25 days away from Christmas! There is absolute chaos here in Judson House as Ernest and his team are here to paint the the upstairs. You are getting everything ready for the interim.

Check out this week's issue of FBC@Home that I have attached. There are some new items to look at.

This week the sermon is called "Advent Anger." There are two texts, both of which could be unsettling: Malachi 3:1-5; Luke 3:1-6. Jesus is the "refiner's fire." We don't talk much about this side of Jesus. I had a book entitled, "The Other Side of the Good News." The idea that Jesus will hold people accountable doesn't go down well in today's world, if it ever did. But that is what the Scriptures reveal about our God. Loving, yes! God, however, also has expectations for those who claim to be God-followers. Spend some time reading these texts before Sunday.

This Sunday will be the last meeting of the Community Bible Experience at 6:00 p.m. There has been a lot of ground covered in our reading for this meeting: 1-2 Peter, Jude, John, 1-3 John, and Revelation.

This Sunday is our first potluck in a very long time. Please bring a dish to pass so that we will have plenty to eat.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, November 28, First Sunday in Advent

Hi Church,

This coming Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. The word "Advent" is not found in the Bible. My NIV Exhaustive Concordance goes from "Adventurers" to "Adversaries." No "Advent." But it is in my dictionary: "Advent: A coming or arrival, as of any important event or person."

In his multi-volume "The Complete Library of Christian Worship," Robert Webber writes this about Advent: "Advent is a corporate spiritual journey that calls for expectant waiting and readiness for the coming of Christ. When the church travels this journey and treats it as a discipline of life and prayer, the joy of Christmas is immeasurably intensified."

Perhaps Dr. Webber promises too much. In any case, the reality of Advent is a call for us to be on our guard year-round. We, as Christians, are to be expectant people, awaiting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Moravians have this in their Advent Litany:

"Lord, for thy coming us prepare;

May we, to meet thee without fear,

At all time ready be:

In faith and love preserve us sound;

O let us day and night be found

Waiting with joy to welcome Thee."

Our text this week comes from the gospel according to Luke, chapter 21, verses 25-36. Prepare yourselves to be interrupted as God breaks into our world.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Community Bible Experience

Just a quick reminder that there will be no Community Bible Experience meeting this evening at 6 p.m. 

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

Hi Church,

Do you realize that we are forty-six days out from Christmas? I am just trying to be helpful. But even more surprising might be that next week is collection week for Operation Christmas Child. Where did the time go? How can this be?

The packing party is this Saturday from 4 - 6 p.m. Then all next week Monday - Monday we will be open to receive people dropping off their shoe-box gifts.

This week we will finish out our series on 1 John. The text for this Sunday is 1 John 5:13-21. The last verse is important for understanding the book. "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." John has been dealing with a competing belief system about Jesus. He has been clear that we should not invent our own Jesus, but instead we should have faith in the real Jesus as he had come to know him. Any other representation of Christ that detours from the Jesus presented to us in Scripture is an idol.

I am having computer issues, so I am not able at this time to attach the current fbc@home.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, November 7th, 2021

Hi Church,

I am writing this early on a Monday morning. Claudette and I will be leaving for Chicago soon. There will be two days of conference/retreat and then on Wednesday we leave for Nassau and a funeral. We will be back for Sunday services.

We aren't that far away from collection week for OCC. I apologize that the shopping list isn't up to date. We will get that out to you soon.

Claudette and I appreciated your "Pastor Appreciation Celebration" it really warmed our hearts.

This coming Sunday we will celebrate Holy Communion. This monthly opportunity is a wonderful reminder for each of us in how precious our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is. The atoning sacrifice of God in Jesus Christ is a cornerstone of our faith.

The text for Sunday is 1 John 5:1-12 and the sermon title is "Faith Wins the Victory." It is our second to last sermon in this series on 1 John.

By the way, this Sunday, November 7, is the end of Daylight Savings Time. So don't forget to "fall back."

Hope you all have a wonderful week. God bless you all!


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, October 31, 2021

Hi Church!

Hope this email finds you well and safe.

There are a few things that I want to bring to your attention this afternoon.

First, I was talking to Linda and she would like to remind people to RSVP for the November 20 celebration. The committee needs an accurate count for the food.

Second, this Sunday is our Quarterly Church Summit following the worship service. We will present a preliminary 2022 budget and we will vote on the 2022 slate of board members.

Third, the message will continue to focus on "love" as we explore 1 John 4:7-21. The word "love" pops up, in some form, 28 times in 14 verses. Guess what I am preaching on?

Last, we will begin the sign-up for OCC collection week.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Community Bible Experience

Hello Everyone,

I just finished this week's readings. I had to do some catch-up work to get it done. I found this week that I continually fell behind. The readings are perhaps some of the most important in the NT. They are tightly compacted arguments by Paul, especially in both Galatians and Romans. I want to encourage you to persevere, because while they can be frustrating, they are also potentially most rewarding. Hang in there!


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Hi Church,

Hope you are all doing well.

I want to remind everyone that our October Quarterly Summit will be held on Sunday October 31 after worship. There are two things that will be preeminent: a preliminary draft of the 2022 budget, the election of the 2022 Board. I hope you will find time to commit to attending this important meeting.

The NAACP will be holding its Freedom Fund Banquet on Sunday, November 7. This is the main fundraiser for the NAACP. It is also the event where the winners of the following awards are announced: Minority Student of the Year Award, Thomas Determan SCOPE Award, and The Ruby Sutton Award. Contact Ernestine Moss for more information, or go to

This week we continue in 1 John with the theme of love for our brothers and sisters and loves importance as a marker of our relationship with God. The text is 1 John 3:11-4:6.

There is Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. for both adults and children.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Community Bible Experience #2

Hi Everyone!

How is your reading coming along? Just a reminder that for this coming Sunday evening the pages to be read and discussed are Pages 55-115. The books covered are: Acts and 1 & 2 Thessalonians.

After last week's session, I am looking forward to hearing your responses to this week's reading. Everyone contributed some outstanding stuff! What an awesome group!

See you all Sunday night at 6:00.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, October 17th, 2021

Good Afternoon Church,

I received a note from Rose Brass thanking the church for prayers:

"I want to thank my church family for their prayers, kind words, and cards at the passing of my sister, Roberta. My sister was a beautiful gift from God. I will cherish the memories of our years together!"

This Sunday we will be looking at 1 John 3:1-10. There is some thematic repetition this week as it will be throughout the study of 1 John. The sermon title this week is "Born of God." We learn the about the love and mercy of God.

Denise Matthews will be sharing some updates concerning the Pastoral Search Committee during the announcement time.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Website Recovery

Our website provider has experienced technical difficulties. We are working to restore our website but will not be able to recover all of the data. If you submitted an e-mail or prayer request, please resend it. It will take me a while to restore all of the other pages as well. Sorry for any inconvenience. Sincerely, Christine

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Hi Church,

We will be back this Sunday and will continue in 1 John. The text for this week is 1 John 2:18-29. The title is "People of the Lie." John has been giving people ways to test where they stand in their relationship with God. He is repetitive in his themes but always moving a theme forward.

I hope you found last week's preaching exceptional as Rev. Saxon shared with you her thoughts on the gospel.

In our 9:00 a.m. SS time we will be looking at our last lesson in Philippians: "Joy and Contentment" in Philippians 4:10-20.

Also at 6:00 p.m. we will reconvene with our, Community Bible Experience, after having gone through our first week of readings in the gospel of Luke.

I have attached this weeks FBC@Home. Please note that our next Quarterly Church Summit will be on Sunday October 31 following the worship service.

Enjoy the rest of your week. Read Scripture, pray constantly, enjoy the presence of the Lord in your life.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hi Church!

Here we are at the first Sunday in October! Wow, and what a special day it will be. We are blessed to have our executive minister speak to us. She is Rev. Jacquline Saxon. She will be speaking on Luke 9:51-62. Her sermon title is: "It's Not a Picnic, But a Pilgrimage."

She will be meeting with the Pastoral Search Committee after worship.

This Sunday, being the first of the month, provides the opportunity of celebrating Holy Communion.

Please attend worship and support your church and your executive minister.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Good Morning Church!

There is a nice chill in the air. I was sitting in one of our bay windows this morning while reading and it came to my attention that I was cold. It was 66 in the downstairs area.

I want to again give thanks to David Olson ably filling in and preaching last week. Our trip to Chicago and our attendance at the celebration of life for Mike Feuerabend went well. We saw old friends, and visited some old haunts. Most importantly we were able to celebrate the life of a wonderful Christian man who lived his life of faith. He was caring and giving and patient.

This week our eyes turn again toward John's first epistle. The text is 1 John 2:3-14and it is entitled "God's New Commandment." 1 John has a repetitive nature to it. The author states something and then circles back to the original statement with new things added. If you read ahead you will find that John has already covered some of this and yet adds new details.

The Sunday School class that meets at 9:00 a.m. is in its third week. Each lesson stands on its own. We are studying Paul's letter to the Philippians right now. This week we will focus on Philippians 3:8-21 and the lesson is entitled "Joy in Knowing Jesus." Joy is an important word in Philippians.

Lastly, on Sunday evening at 6:00 we will gather for our initial meeting for reading through the New Testament. We spend so much time reading little snippets of scripture that we lose the grand sweep of the story. In our eight weeks, we will read chronologically through the New Testament and see where some of our favorite stories or verses fit within the epic story of Jesus. If you haven't signed up, just come Sunday evening. We will distribute the New Testaments, and go over procedures and pray together.

Wow! That's a lot of stuff. Hope to see you all on Sunday.


Rev. Timothy Bees

First Baptist Church Of Dubuque
