Hi All
Attached is your weekly FBC@Home. Other news is included below.
Anil Katuri's eye surgery went very well. Anil is home now resting and recovering from the surgery. Please continue to pray that his eye heals well. Pray also for Martha as she is caretaking.
Thea Dement has had laparoscopic surgery. Her surgery also went very well and Thea is home now resting. It is expected that her recovery will take 6 - 8 weeks. Please continue to pray for Thea's recovery and for Bob as he helps Thea with her recovery.
Continue to prayer for Cathy Loman's brother, soon to begin cancer treatment.
Tom Stovall
Community Friends,
Saturday, September 28, is Good Neighbor Day! To show we are good neighbors, a group of community partners will be conducting a drive-thru and walk-up food pantry that day in the parking lot at the corner of 17th and Main Streets in downtown Dubuque. The sponsoring partners are First Presbyterian Church, Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Downtown Neighborhood Association and St. Stephens Branch of River Bend Foodbank. The goal is to address hunger and food insecurity in our community. Food will be given out free of charge to those who need it. There are no requirements for participation. We plan to serve around 200 families at the event.
We expect to get many requests from individuals and community groups that would like to assist with this project. Our volunteers will begin working at 8:00 AM that morning and we expect to finish around 10:30 AM. It is important that we know a week in advance (by September 21) what individuals or groups are coming and how many people are volunteering so that we can send instructions and prepare for them. We can provide jobs for everyone regardless of abilities, from greeting people to heavy lifting! If you have questions please feel free to contact me. My contact information is listed below. Many thanks for your help in serving the unmet needs in our community. Let's show we are Good Neighbors!
Tom Stovall
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Hi All
Happy September to you!
Attached is your FBC@Home, also a newsletter from NightLight and prayer requests.
Prayers are needed for Anil Katuri. He will be having eye surgery on September 9.
Cathy Loman's brother has stage 4 lung cancer and it has spread to other parts of his body and so he's going to start radiation and and immune therapy on September 17th.
Thea Dement will be having surgery on September 10th.
Prayer for each of these individuals, for their families and for the doctor's attending them.
Thank you. Linda