Godly Play

Leader: Christine Quintana

The Godly Play Approach helps children to explore their faith through story, to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Godly Play is based on Montessori principles and was developed using a spiral curriculum. To join our circle, children must be 5 to 12 years old and be registered using the FBC enrollment form. This year, we will be exploring some traditional Bible stories using Montessori story materials, journaling and engaging in art experiences to express our spiritual journey. We meet on the third Friday evening of the month at 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. during the school year. The Godly Play Program is offered at no cost to your family. For more information, please contact Christine Quintana.


  • Godly Play is currently meeting in-person. Group size is limited to no more than 15 children per session. Since this is a drop-off program, families must complete all required FBC registration forms. Masks are now optional for participation.
  • All children's materials are sanitized to prevent the transmission of viruses. We wash hands upon arrival to church programming, before and after nose blowing, and after toileting. All surfaces are maintained and disinfected as well to promote health and safety. Children who are sick and/or running a fever are not permitted to participate in programming.
  • If bad weather arises or COVID conditions worsen, Godly Play will not meet in-person but will schedule an evening zoom instead. You will be contacted by text and a link sent out via e-mail.


Programming Links:

Godly Play Stories told by FBC