Leader: Hospitality Team & Worship Team
Each year, FBC holds a churchwide Thanksgiving celebration in November which we call Gratitude Night. We celebrate with food, fellowship, and thankful hearts for all the blessings we have received.
A Scriptural Prayer to be Thankful
Lord, teach me to be thankful in all circumstances. I want to be like the Apostle Paul who was thankful even in a dark prison. I want to choose praise even in the difficulties in my life. [Name those difficulties, thanking God for how He is using them for your good.] Help me to rise up to a new level of praise and thanksgiving. Help me to see that a thankful heart paves the way for blessing, and the enemy is defeated when I praise You. I want to glorify You and advance Your Kingdom through my praises. Help me to use Your Word as I worship You. I choose to walk in Your peace, listen carefully to You, and live expectantly. Thank You for helping me to be thankful in all my circumstances.
-Author Unknown